9–12 May 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone

SPIRAL2 arrival consequences on the existing GANIL installation

11 May 2012, 09:50
Auditorium (PSI)




Dr Frederic Chautard (CNRS)


Since the 1st of July 2005, a major evolution of the GANIL is under construction. After SPIRAL1, SPIRAL2 will continue to extent the panel of exotic beams available. The coupling of a new superconducting linear accelerator and the existing compact cyclotron CIME (SPIRAL1) and experimental area allows minimizing the building modifications. Nevertheless, the INB (Installation Nucléaire de Base) specificity attached to the site implies to reviews the capabilities of the exiting GANIL to run the new facility in term of radiological impacts, seism, etc… The presentation will review the modifications and new features of the installation.
Please indicate preferred presentation (poster or talk?) talk

Primary author

Dr Frederic Chautard (CNRS)

Presentation materials