Workshop on Ultrafast Dynamics in Strongly Correlated Systems

ETH Zurich, Campus Science City, HIT Building

ETH Zurich, Campus Science City, HIT Building

Philipp Werner (ETH Zurich), Steven Johnson (Paul Scherrer Institut)

Both experiment and theory on ultrafast dynamics in strongly correlated systems have made significant recent advances.  New and upcoming large-scale experimental facilities such as FLASH, LCLS, EU-XFEL, SCSS and SwissFEL are expected to carry this progress forward dramatically as new ways of investigating ultrafast phenomena become possible. 

The goal of this workshop is to bring into contact different groups working on problems related to the dynamics of correlated electron systems, with a particular emphasis on promoting closer interactions and cooperation between experiment and theory in this subject area. The workshop will hopefully lead to an exchange of pertinent information about recent developments in both experimental techniques and simulations of the dynamics in correlated electron systems and contribute to an improved understanding of correlated materials. Subjects covered include photodoping, nonequilibrium phase transitions, the dynamics of charge-density-wave and magnetically or orbitally ordered systems, superconductors, and nonequilibrium properties of cold atom systems. The planned workshop is also an appropriate forum for a discussion of techniques relevant to these studies, both experimental (e.g. ultrafast optical spectroscopies, X-ray probes, electron diffraction, ARPES, THz spectroscopy) and theoretical (e.g. nonequilibrium DMFT, tDMRG).

The format of the workshop includes talks by invited speakers, oral contributions and poster presentations.

Invited speakers include:
Rafael Abela (PSI)
Hideo Aoki (Tokyo University)
Fabrizio Carbone (EPFL Lausanne)
Hermann Dürr (SLAC Stanford)
Martin Eckstein (ETH Zürich)
Marcus Kollar (University of Augsburg)
Corinna Kollath (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
Hans Kroha (Bonn University)
Hiroshi Okamoto (University of Tokyo)
Jesse Petersen (Oxford University)
Leticia Tarruell (ETH Zürich)
Martin Wolf (FU Berlin)

This workshop is jointly organized by ETHZ, PSI and MUST.

Map of location