28 September 2014 to 1 October 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone
15. Sept. registration deadline

A brief history of TPEPICO – and the critical features that make it so powerful


Prof. Tomas Baer (University of North Carolina)


Threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence has evolved during the past four decades into a uniquely powerful tool that is ideally carried out at synchrotron radiation facilities. This talk will combine a bit of history with key experimental features that permit the simultaneous optimization of electron resolution, and electron and ion collection efficiencies. A critical aspect for extracting metastable ion dissociation rates and translational energy release information is an extended and constant electric field in the first acceleration region. The talk will be illustrated with examples such as the H loss from the formic acid ion, which proceeds by passing over a surprisingly large barrier.

Primary author

Prof. Tomas Baer (University of North Carolina)

Presentation materials

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