GFA Accelerator Seminars

Aspects of the high intensity production of radioisopes at iThemba LABS

by Mr Etienne Vermeulen (PSI)

For about 28 years, iThemba LABS has developed and operated radioisotope production targetry utilizing 66 MeV proton beams. Up until 2005, bombardments were limited to a maximum beam current of 100 μA on a single bombardment station. Since then, beam intensities of up to 250 μA have been utilized on a routine basis, enabled by a number of key facility upgrades. These upgrades include better shielding, rapid beam wobbling as well as upgrades in the diagnostic and control systems. Aspects of these upgrades will be discussed in the context of Sr-82/Ge-68 tandem production. Contact: Mike Seidel, 3378