12–15 Sept 2017
ETH Zurich
Europe/Zurich timezone

DPC2.0: A new flexible design for grating interferometry at the TOMCAT beamline of the Swiss Light Source

13 Sept 2017, 12:30
HG (ETH Zurich)


ETH Zurich

Rämistrasse 101 8092 Zurich Switzerland
Poster Instrumentation Lunch break & Poster session


Dr Alessandra Patera (Paul Scherrer Institut)

Primary author

Dr Alessandra Patera (Paul Scherrer Institut)


Anne Bonnin Dr Konstantins Jefimovs (PSI) Marco Stampanoni (Paul Scherrer Institut) Matias Kagias (Paul Scherrer Institut) Mr Thomas Steigmeier (PSI)

Presentation materials

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