CCEM Announcement of final ratings: CCEM 5th Call, Round B:
Scientific evaluation and decison letter (decided by the SC-Committee)
Scientific evaluation and decison letter
decided by the SC-Committee
Dear Sirs
We have pleasure in announcing the final rating of your resubmitted proposal in the 5th Call, Round B, decided by the CCEM-Steering Committee.
Please find attached the scientific evaluation by the Research Committee and the decision letter of the Steering Committee. The documents will be additionally sent as printed matter to your postal address.
Sincerely yours,
Freundliche Grüsse
Hannelore Krüger, CCEM Assistant
Competence Center Energy and Mobility (CCEM)
c/o Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)OVGA/102B
CH-5232 Villigen
Telefon 056 310 2792
Fax 056 310 4416