12–13 Sept 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

A Data acquisition system nowadays is expected to do more than just collect data, it has become an integrated process with various types of data source for monitoring, control, storage and analysis, as well as data visualization using modern techniques.

MIDAS stands for "Maximum Integration Data Acquisition System". It is interesting to think that this name was given 20 years ago when none of the interconnectability was available at today's level. 

So in order to keep MIDAS current with new technology and provide a better DAQ tool, we plan to discuss topics that would address integration in a larger format, the goal being to provide to the users a more robust and "simple" way of doing their work. We will also be working on improvements and the addition of new features.

The workshop will feature some presentations related to specific experiments around the world. Each talk will bring a different aspect of the DAQ that MIDAS had to deal with. This will potentially be a good starting point for further discussions.

The Workshop will hybrid at the TRIUMF ISAC-II conference room and via https://psich.zoom.us/j/66429511899

All the talks will be available prior the workshop for download.

