Molten Salt Reactors are a class of advanced reactors that is typically characterized by the presence of a molten inorganic salt of a fissile material as fuel. This characteristic presents its own challenges but also the possibility of achieving high fuel utilization while preserving safe criticality in a straightforward manner. At the moment, this class of reactors is considered an interesting option in the long run of nuclear power.
One of the challenges of molten salt reactors lies in modeling of coupled neutronics, thermal hydraulics and heat transfer in structures in normal operation (for example, for optimizing the reactor design) and in transients specific to this reactor type, for example, salt freezing.
In this talk, we will explore the developments in high fidelity codes and methodology for design and analysis in the scope of doctoral studies in the ANS group.
ATARI, a code developed during this study will be briefly introduced. Verification of limited scope will be shown as evidence of correct behavior of basic functionality. An assortment of case studies will be presented including benchmarks, freezing of a conceptual printed circuit heat exchanger, and steady-state analysis of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) and of a novel Molten Chloride Fast Reactor (MCFR) design nicknamed “fuel tap”.
Finally, the talk will conclude with remarks and lessons learned from this study.
The Laboratory for Scientific Computing and Modelling