30 November 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

DLS-2 / SLS 2.0 Information Exchange


DLS-2 BPM System and Feedbacks

30 Nov 2020, 10:00


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DLS-2 BPM System and Feedbacks

  • Volker Schlott (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)


BPM system (pick-ups and electronics), fast orbit feedback architecture, multi bunch feedback (pick-ups, electronics, kickers and amplifiers)

Presentation materials

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Alun Morgan (Diamond Light Source)
30/11/2020, 10:00
Alan Tipper (Diamond Light Source)
30/11/2020, 10:15
Michael Abbott (Diamond Light Source)
30/11/2020, 10:35
Idris Kempf (Diamond Light Source)
30/11/2020, 10:55
Michael Abbott (Diamond Light Source)
30/11/2020, 11:15
Alan Tipper (Diamond Light Source)
30/11/2020, 11:30
Mr Alun Morgan (Diamond Light Source)
30/11/2020, 11:40
Building timetable...