FELSI Meeting 12 February 2008
Tuesday 12 February 2008 -
Monday 11 February 2008
Tuesday 12 February 2008
Yujong Kim: The first simulation results on backup injector for PSI-XFEL project
Yujong Kim: The first simulation results on backup injector for PSI-XFEL project
14:00 - 14:20
Room: WBGB 020
Frank Stulle: CSR update
Frank Stulle: CSR update
14:20 - 14:25
Room: WBGB 020
Oral contribution only, no slides: bunch compressor design optimized in 1D; single 3D CSR simulation has been performed; at present there is no code available to do reliable and comprehensive 3D CSR studies.
Bagrat Grigoryan (CANDLE): Beam Dynamics Study for PSI-XFEL Linac
Bagrat Grigoryan (CANDLE): Beam Dynamics Study for PSI-XFEL Linac
14:25 - 14:40
Room: WBGB 020
Bagrat Grigoryan (for V. Khachatryan, CANDLE) PSI XFEL branch 3 SASE FEL simulations with SIMPLEX
Bagrat Grigoryan (for V. Khachatryan, CANDLE) PSI XFEL branch 3 SASE FEL simulations with SIMPLEX
14:40 - 14:55
Room: WBGB 020
Andreas Adelmann: Short update on OPAL and computing time on Horizon/Merlin
Andreas Adelmann: Short update on OPAL and computing time on Horizon/Merlin
14:55 - 15:15
Room: WBGB 020