CAS Accelerator Seminars

Physics Beyond Colliders at CERN: New discoveries aside of new supercolliders?

by Alexander Gerbershagen

Zoom (PSI)




The Physics Beyond Colliders (PBC) programme has been launched at CERN in 2016, aiming at exploiting the full scientific potential of CERN’s accelerator complex complementary to the collider’s projects. In the framework of PBC, the Conventional Beams Working Group (CBWG) explores the feasibility of future physics proposals in the fixed target facilities. The seminar provides an overview of all the projects, emphasizing the role of CERN’s North Area. The technical challenges of the project implementation, including the operation of worldwide highest energy muon beamlines, the radiation protection issues as well as the particle species enrichment techniques, are described and the possible solution are presented. The seminar concludes with an overview of the LHC hosted experiments and of the new facilities envisaged for construction in and outside of CERN.

For details, contact Marco Schippers