FELSI Meeting 2010 August 10
Tuesday 10 August 2010 -
Monday 9 August 2010
Tuesday 10 August 2010
Wang Chuang (PSI): 'Dark Current and Multipacting Simulations in OPAL'
Wang Chuang (PSI): 'Dark Current and Multipacting Simulations in OPAL'
13:30 - 13:50
Room: WBGB 019
Yves Ineichen (ETHZ, PSI): 'Update on Opal Envelope'
Yves Ineichen (ETHZ, PSI): 'Update on Opal Envelope'
13:50 - 14:10
Room: WBGB 019
Prineha Narang (PSI): 'Measurement and Simulation of Envelope and Emittance at the SwissFEL Injector'
Prineha Narang (PSI): 'Measurement and Simulation of Envelope and Emittance at the SwissFEL Injector'
14:10 - 14:30
Room: WBGB 019
David Uhlig (PSI): 'How to track Workflows for Painless Result Reproduction'
David Uhlig (PSI): 'How to track Workflows for Painless Result Reproduction'
14:30 - 14:50
Room: WBGB 019