May 11 – 12, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Welcome & scope of the meeting

May 11, 2021, 3:00 PM
Online (Zoom)




Marco Calvi (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)


In the name of the organising committee, I would like to welcome you to this workshop. I think I owe to some of you few introductory words. LEAPS is a strategic consortium created in end of 2017 by the Directors of the Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Laser user facilities in Europe. During the last year and triggered partially by the new situation created by the sanitary crisis, Helmut Dosch suggested to move faster on the process of digitisation of our facilities. This initiative is now called Digital LEAPS and the “platform” is one of the three projects recently approved by the assembly of our directors on April this year. Shortly, a position paper will be available to support all LEAPS members with their respective National Founding Agencies. In parallel, we are working on a proposal for a EC call and Thomas Tschentscher will contact some of you in the coming weeks to check your availability. The Platform started last October as an initiative of WG2 to collect ideas and suggestions and a first draft for a collaboration was sketched out. Today, we are here with experts from all over the world, also from NON LEAPS facilities to move into the core of this initiative, to get more familiar with its three main subjects : DT, ML and VD. This workshop is designed to help people start working on these topics; to get a survey of the ongoing activities in the labs which are more advanced; to guide us to choose the best practice for a prototype “platform” which could be wired to our facilities, in term of hardware, protocols, software engineering, codes etc.; and last but not least to come up with a final project description. At the end of this workshop it should be easier to answer questions like :
1. How the digital twin of our facility can be use to improve its performance?
2. What shall we expect from ML?
3. Where virtual diagnostic is different and superior with respect to more standard diagnostic methods?

Presentation materials

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