4:00 PM
Measurement of multiple scattering of positrons for the Muon Electric Dipole Moment Experiment
Timothy David Hume
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
4:01 PM
Development of a novel comagnetometer for high-precision measurement of the electron's electric dipole moment using laser-cooled Fr atoms
Shintaro Nagase
4:02 PM
Characterisation of the simultaneous spin analyser developed for the n2EDM experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute
Anthony Lejuez
(LPC Caen, France)
4:03 PM
The precision magnetic field in the Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab
Martin Fertl
(Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
4:04 PM
NOPTREX: A Neutron Optics Time-Reversal Violation Experiment
Christopher Crawford
(University of Kentucky)
4:05 PM
Characterization of the new Ultracold Neutron beamline at the LANL UCN facility
Douglas Wong
(Indiana University, Bloomington)
4:06 PM
The 2s-1s transition in muonic atoms and atomic parity violation
Frederik Wauters
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
4:08 PM
Measurements of the UCN energy spectra and their time evolution in a large storage volume
Dagmara Rozpedzik
(Jagiellonian University)
4:09 PM
Storage and Guide Tests at SUN2 for PanEDM
Hanno Filter
(Technische Universität München)
4:10 PM
Neutron Pendellösung interferometry to search for exotic interactions
Takuhiro Fujiie
(Nagoya University)
4:11 PM
Charged Lepton Flavour Violation in the Symmetry-Protected Type-I Seesaw
Fiona Kirk
(PTB Braunschweig)
4:12 PM
muCool: A novel low-energy muon beam for precision experiments
Giuseppe Lospalluto
(ETH Zurich)
4:13 PM
Low-energy effective field theory below the electroweak scale: one-loop renormalization in the 't Hooft-Veltman scheme
Luca Naterop
(University of Zurich)
4:14 PM
Next Generation Active Magnetic Shielding for n2EDM experiment at PSI.
Vira Bondar
(ETH Zurich)
4:15 PM
Current Status for the search of time-reversal symmetry violation using compound nuclear reactions
Shunsuke Endo
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
4:16 PM
Microcalorimetric high-resolution spectroscopy of muonic lithium
Katharina von Schoeler
(ETH Zurich)
4:17 PM
Pseudoscalar pole contributions to the muon g-2 from lattice QCD
Gurtej Kanwar
(ITP Universität Bern)
Gurtej Kanwar
(University of Bern)
4:18 PM
Cs magnetometer based current source for permanent neutron electric dipole moment measurement
Ren Li
(Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, University of Leuven)
4:19 PM
The mercury co-magnetometer in the n2EDM experiment
Wenting Chen
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
4:20 PM
Precision Cross-Calibration of the NMR calibration probes for the J-PARC Muon g-2/EDM, J-PARC MuSEUM, and FNAL Muon g-2 experiments at the ANL 4T Magnet Facility
Simon Corrodi
(Argonne National Laboratory)
4:21 PM
Cryogenic muonium beam for the LEMING experiment
Jesse Zhang
(ETH Zürich)
4:22 PM
Recovery of Photon Detection Efficiency of SiPMs in the liquid xenon detector by annealing
Sei Ban
(ICEPP, The university of Tokyo)
4:23 PM
Interferometry setup for the LEMING experiment
Robert Waddy
(ETH Zurich)
4:24 PM
Spin precession in BaF: Towards a limit on the electron’s electric dipole moment
Virginia Marshall
(University of Groningen, Nikhef)
4:25 PM
A muon entrance detector for the muEDM experiment at PSI
Jun Kai Ng
(Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Tianqi Hu
(Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai JiaoTong University)
4:26 PM
The DAQ of the Mu3e Integration Runs
Marius Koeppel
(JGU Mainz)
4:27 PM
Multi-Objective Genetic Optimization for the High-Intensity Muon Beams at PSI
Giovanni Dal Maso
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
4:28 PM
Hunting for axion-like particles with the nEDM and n2EDM experiments at PSI
Nathalie Ziehl
(ETH Zurich)
4:29 PM
Operation of Liquid Xenon Gamma-Ray Detector for MEG II Experiment Physics Run in 2022
Ayaka Matsushita
(The University of Tokyo)
4:30 PM
Beamline Final Foci Optimisations for High Intensity Muon Beams at PSI
Eremey Valetov
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
4:31 PM
Proton Structure through the Two-Photon Exchange
Vladyslava Sharkovska
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
4:32 PM
Overview of SuperSUN : A superthermal UCN source
Estelle Chanel
(Institut Laue Langevin)
4:33 PM
Development of a Talbot-Lau interferometer for the measurement of the neutron electric charge
Marc Persoz
(Universität Bern)
4:35 PM
The MONUMENT Experiment; Ordinary Muon Capture as a benchmark for 0nßß-decay nuclear structure calculations
Viacheslav Belov
(Joint Institute of Nuclear Research)
4:36 PM
The Holmes ion implanter commissioning runs
Giovanni Gallucci
(INFN - Genova)
4:37 PM
A Boosted Decision Tree Model for the Positron Acceptance in the Muon g-2 Experiment
jun kai ng
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
4:38 PM
Neutron lifetime experiment using a pulsed neutron source at J-PARC
Takanori Mogi
(The University of Tokyo)
4:39 PM
Improved Search for CP Violation in Ortho-Positronium Decay
Elizabeth George
(Wittenberg University)
Oscar Naviliat-Cuncic
(LPC-Caen, University of Caen Normandy)
Paul Voytas
(Wittenberg University)
Tom-Erik Haugen
(Michigan State University and Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
4:40 PM
qBounce: first measurement of the neutron's electric charge with a Ramsey-type GRS experiment
Joachim Bosina
(Atominstitut, TU Wien)
4:41 PM
The Mu3e Cosmic Run 2022
Martin Müller
(JGU Mainz, Insititute for Nuclear Physics)
4:42 PM
Precise theory prediction for di-lepton production
Sophie Kollatzsch
4:43 PM
Sympathetic cooling of highly charged ions in a Penning trap using a self-cooled electron plasma
Jost Herkenhoff
(Max-Planck Institut für Kernphysik)
4:44 PM
Measurements of $n$p - 2s transitions in the hydrogen atom
Simon Scheidegger
(ETH Zürich)
4:45 PM
Mapping of the magnetic field in the n2EDM experiment
Kseniia Svirina
(Université Grenoble Alpes)
Thomas Bouillaud
(Université Grenoble Alpes)
4:46 PM
Search for a permanent muon electric dipole moment at the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment
Tianqi Hu
(Shanghai JiaoTong University)
4:47 PM
Demonstration of a multilayer-type neutron interferometer with pulsed source and nuclear scattering length measurement
Kenji Mishima
4:48 PM
The (Z,A) Dependence of Muon-to-Electron Conversion
4:49 PM
Measuring the free neutron lifetime with $\tau$SPECT
Martin Engler
(Department of Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz)
Noah Yazdandoost
(Department of Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz)
4:50 PM
Search for axion-like particles in muon decays
Andrea Gurgone
(University of Pavia and INFN)
4:51 PM
New Magnetically Shielded Room for $^3$He/$^{129}$Xe co-magnetometer experiments
Ulrich Schmidt
(Physikalisches Institut der Uni Heidelberg)
4:52 PM
Parallel plate force metrology as a tool to probe the dark sector
René Sedmik
(TU Wien)
4:53 PM
Precision flavour and tau physics at FCC-ee
David d'Enterria
4:54 PM
Precision measurements in the beta decay of 6He
Mohamad Kanafani
(LPC Caen)
4:55 PM
First result of pLGAD sensor, and channeling in silicon sensors
Waleed Khalid
4:56 PM
Spectral characterization of the SUN-2 ultracold neutron source by vertical time-of-flight
Thomas Neulinger
(Institut Laue-Langevin)
4:57 PM
Update on the UCN source at PSI
Cornelis Bernardus Doorenbos
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
4:58 PM
Acceleration Effect in Quantum Mechanics and Neutron Optics
Alexander Frank
4:59 PM
Minimizing Magnetic Dipole Contamination in the n2EDM Experiment
Victoria Kletzl
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
5:00 PM
Diffusion of $\mu$p in the hyperfine-splitting experiment at PSI
Jonas Nuber
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
5:01 PM
BeamEDM – A beam experiment to search for the neutron electric dipole moment
Anastasio Fratangelo
(Universität Bern)
5:02 PM
Search for a muon EDM using the frozen spin technique at PSI
Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
5:03 PM
Systematic effects in the search of the muon electric dipole moment using the frozen-spin technique
Chavdar Dutsov
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
5:04 PM
A novel method of searching for spin-dependent long range force
Trukhanova Mariia
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
5:05 PM
Silicon detector for neutron beta decay measurements with PERC
Manuel Lebert
(Technical University of Munich)
5:06 PM
The backscatter detector system of PERC
Karina Bernert
(Technical University of Munich)
5:07 PM
Improved Standard-Model Prediction for 𝜋0→𝑒+𝑒− and Constraints on BSM Physics
Bai-Long Hoid
5:08 PM
Clathrate Hydrates as Novel Moderators for Very Cold Neutron Sources
Valentin Czamler
(Institut Laue-Langevin)
5:09 PM
The Power Distribution System for the Mu3e Experiment
Sophie Gagneur
5:10 PM
Measurement of Neutron Polarization and Transmission for the nEDM@SNS Experiment.
Kavish Imam
(University of Tennessee)
5:11 PM
$\kappa$-deformed CPT violation and its phenomenological consequences in decays and interference
Wojciech Wislicki
(National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL))
5:12 PM
The Mu3e vertex detector - prototyping, cooling, and upcoming production
Thomas Theodor Rudzki
(Physikalisches Institut Heidelberg)
5:13 PM
Improved limits on lepton-flavor-violating decays of light pseudoscalars via spin-dependent μ→e conversion in nuclei
Frederic Noël
(ITP, AEC, Uni Bern)
5:14 PM
Exact Two-Photon Exchange Contribution to Elastic Lepton-Proton Scattering: A Low-energy Effective Theoretical Approach
5:15 PM
CP violation search in nuclear beta decay: The MORA experiment at JYFL, Finland
Abhilasha SINGH
5:17 PM
Muon flavor violation and EDM in light of muon g-2
George W.S. Hou
(National Taiwan University)
5:18 PM
7-order enhancement of the Stern-Gerlach effect of neutrons diffracting in a crystal
Vladimir Voronin
5:19 PM
$^{3}He$ polarization and injection system for the nEDM@SNS SOS apparatus
Thomas Rao
(North Carolina State University)
5:20 PM
Implications of new physics in semileptonic $b \to c l \bar \nu_l$ transitions.
5:21 PM
Searching for 76Ge neutrinoless double-beta decay with GERDA and beyond
Sofia Calgaro
(University of Padova & INFN Padova)
5:22 PM
Neutron beta-decay studies at LANL
Maninder Singh
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5:23 PM
Resonances of exotic three-body atomic systems
Jean Servais