Training of new neutron and photon scientists is an important aspect in the longevity of large-scale facilities. Typically, these training take place at centrally organised training events. These events are (by necessity) selective, with only space for a limited number of students per iteration.
The PaN-training e-Learning platform (https://e-learning.pan-training.eu) looks to increase access to interactive training in the neutron and photon sciences. This platform gives access to a Moodle training platform where rich content can be prepared and shared with students. The students are then able to work through this material in their own time.
In addition to offering this MOOC-style experience (Massive Open Online Course). The e-Learning platform can also be used to complement in-person events, allowing for "flipped learning"-approaches. This is where students are asked to work through material independently to facilitate discussion during in-person sessions.
Alongside the standard Moodle interface, the PaN-training e-Learning platform provides access to a JupyterHub server. This makes the platform perfect for use at neutron or photon training courses focused on topics such as data reduction, analysis or management (where Python programming is frequently used).
If you are interested in using the PaN-Training e-Learning platform for your training course or preparing a MOOC, please get in touch: admin@pan-learning.org.
Email address of presenting author | andrew.mccluskey@ess.eu |