Sep 19 – 22, 2022
Paul Scherer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

C2 Data Viewer: Visualization tool for EPICS7 Data Streaming

Sep 20, 2022, 6:34 PM
WHGA/Auditorium and online (Paul Scherer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland)

WHGA/Auditorium and online

Paul Scherer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland

Paul Scherrer Institute Forschungsstrasse 111 CH-5232-Villigen-PSI
Poster NOBUGS 2022


Elaine Chandler (Argonne National Laboratory)


A high-performance data acquisition system (DAQ) has been under active development to meet APS-U needs. It takes data from underneath FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) and streams it to its downstream users. The APS-U DAQ system software framework is implemented as a major portion of APS-U new control system software infrastructure, which is called C2. To visualize the DAQ data on the fly, C2 Data Viewer (C2DV) is implemented using Python, which can be used for displaying live PV data streams for monitoring, troubleshooting and diagnostics purposes. It is now capable of handling both EPICS pvAccess (PVA) and Channel Access (CA) data and includes several different applications: a scope viewer for plotting PVA waveforms, an image viewer for displaying Area Detector image data, and a striptool for monitoring PVA as well as CA scalar PVs. In this presentation, we discuss various C2DV features, its usage at the Advanced Photon Source, as well as plans for future development.

Email address of presenting author

Primary authors

Elaine Chandler (Argonne National Laboratory) Guobao Shen (Argonne National Laboratory) Sinisa Veseli (Argonne National Laboratory) Thomas Fors (Argonne National Laboratory)

Presentation materials