User experiments at synchrotron and free electron laser sources typically require longer duration data acquisition while synchronously moving several actuators and motors. Most of the accelerator control systems contain scan engines and tools (for example 1. - 4.) facilitating such experimental data collections. At European XFEL, the so called scan tool “Karabacon” has been developed, and successfully used [5]. It is an extension of the Karabo [6] control system, and includes a command line and a graphical user interface with real-time and historical plots, basic data analysis tools as well as scan customization extensions. In this contribution, current and future developments of the Karabacon scan tool are presented.
[1] SPEC: https://certif.com/content/spec/
[2] Sardana Spock: https://sardana-controls.org/users/spock.html
[3] Bliss: https://bliss.gitlab-pages.esrf.fr/bliss/master/bliss_standard_scans.html
[4] Bluesky: https://nsls-ii.github.io/bluesky/plans.html
[5] Karabacon: https://rtd.xfel.eu/docs/scantool/en/latest/
[6] Hauf, Steffen, et al. "The Karabo distributed control system." Journal of synchrotron radiation 26.5 (2019): 1448-1461.
Email address of presenting author | ivars.karpics@xfel.eu |