Sep 19 – 22, 2022
Paul Scherer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

KaraboGui - The Cockpit of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System Karabo

Sep 20, 2022, 5:40 PM
WHGA/Auditorium and online (Paul Scherer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland)

WHGA/Auditorium and online

Paul Scherer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland

Paul Scherrer Institute Forschungsstrasse 111 CH-5232-Villigen-PSI
Poster NOBUGS 2022


Dennis Göries (European XFEL)


At the European XFEL, the inhouse developed Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) Karabo has been steering and facilitating scientific experiments at the photon beamlines since the free-electron laser started its operation in 2017.
A single Graphical User Interface (GUI), the so-called KaraboGui, has been designed as a multi-purpose application and is the preferred entry point to the control system. Implementing a nowadays standard event-driven asynchronous server-client approach, this application based on Python [2] and Qt [3] is the prime choice for hardware and experiment control and as well configuring detector calibration and data acquisition. Equipped with a generic panel builder and a package updater for external component extensions, the KaraboGui matches the requirements of a present and future graphical user interface for the experiments.
All user-interface panels build in the KaraboGui can be translated into a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) representation and loaded or edited with an SVG graphics program (e.g. Inkscape [4]).
This contribution describes in detail the client application KaraboGui and its usage at the European XFEL with an outlook of a web representation.

[1] Hauf, Steffen, et al. "The Karabo distributed control system." Journal of synchrotron radiation 26.5 (2019): 1448-1461.
[2] Python.
[3] Qt Framework.
[4] Inkscape.

Email address of presenting author

Primary author

Dennis Göries (European XFEL)


Alessandro Silenzi (European XFEL) Ana García-Tabarés (European XFEL) Andrea Parenti (European XFEL GmbH) Anna Klimovskaia (European XFEL) Ayaz Samadli (European XFEL) Cammille Carinan (European XFEL) Christopher Youngman (European XFEL) David Hickin (European XFEL) Florian Sohn (European XFEL) Gabriele Giovanetti (European XFEL) Gero Flucke (European XFEL GmbH) Hugo Santos (European XFEL) Ivars Karpics (European XFEL) Jawad Tahmeed Bin Taufik (European XFEL) Michael Smith (European XFEL) Milan Staffehl (European XFEL) Noushadali Anakkappalla (European XFEL) Raul Costa (European XFEL) Sergey Esenov (European XFEL) Steffen Hauf (European XFEL GmbH) Valerii Bondar (European XFEL) Wajid Ehsan (European XFEL)

Presentation materials