Sep 19 – 22, 2022
Paul Scherer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

PyBluIce: Modular data acquisition software for long duration, scripted automation, and high speed protein crystallography experiments

Sep 20, 2022, 5:14 PM
WHGA/Auditorium and online (Paul Scherer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland)

WHGA/Auditorium and online

Paul Scherer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland

Paul Scherrer Institute Forschungsstrasse 111 CH-5232-Villigen-PSI
Poster NOBUGS 2022


Mark Hilgart (Argonne National Laboratory)


In order to make new methods for protein crystallography experiments widely accessible at GM/CA@APS, the data acquisition program JBluIce was rewritten with improved modularity as the primary design goal. A comprehensive HTTP and Redis-based interface covering all levels of beamline functions enables a range of applications to control the beamline. This includes single use scripts for trying new methods, as well as a permanent GUI with decades of refinement built in which will be extended with new features including serial crystallography and automated planning. The API and plug-in architecture allow for more complex data collection modes by creating a shared framework to remove complexity. Automation is designed in a way to make it highly visible to the user and allow them to step in at any time. Viewing and analysis of data is decoupled from the data collection engine and adapts to any collection rate. And finally, a realistic beamline simulation with genuine EPICS, HTTP, SQL and Redis servers allows for most development to be done without a beamline.

Email address of presenting author

Primary authors

Mark Hilgart (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Qingping Xu (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Oleg Makarov (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Sergey Stepanov (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Michael Becker (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Nagarajan Venugopalan (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Craig Ogata (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr David Kissick (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Robert Fischetti (Argonne National Laboratory)

Presentation materials