11:00 AM
Welcome PSI
Christian Rüegg (PSI)
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
11:05 AM
Welcome LEAPS, Overview ESAPS 2022
Leonid Rivkin (PSI, LEAPS Chair)
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
11:30 AM
The ERA Policy Agenda 2022-2024
Apostolia Karamali (European Commission)
11:45 AM
Swedish Research Infrastructure and International Collaboration
Katarina Bjelke (Swedish Research Council)
12:00 PM
Matching Photon Sources with the Quest for Quantum Technology
Kristiaan Temst (KU Leuven and imec, ESFRI)
(KU Leuven)
12:30 PM
ESRF-EBS: a European Effort to Pioneer Synchrotron Science
Michael Krisch (ESRF)