Discussion during presentations:
Mu3e flanges:
- demonstrator existing and in use for integration & cosmic run
- Souriau connectors proved to be functional for LV
- LEMO connectors in use turned out to be prone for damage and leaks, replace by something more durable
- Discussion about connecting cables at the inside to the flange:
- no patch panel foreseen for power at SSW
- cables permanentely connected at DCDC and backplane
- flange mock-up in HD planned to test if attaching souriau connector is possible despite the helium lines present
- Tile Detector
- require -14°C matrix temp. at the end of phase I (require more current than can be provided by HV boxes)
- this mean -20°C needed at module inlet
- lowest temperature inside magnet is even lower >> to find out
- 1.4 l/min per station enough >>> pressure diff. 0.3 - 0.6 bar
- coolant is an open issue
- System:
- Distribution of 7 flow channels needed inside magnet
- Piping inside magnet: Silicon pipes from distributor box to modules until now, material has to be reconsidered
- Flow adjustment most probably not needed inside volume
- Request: Independent in- and outlet for SciFi and Tiles (means more feedthroughs needed)
- Idea for flow channels: Inlet and outlet at same side. Guide tubes along cage to have access to US and DS from a single main inlet channel
- US: 1x KF50 feedthrough for Helium is unoccupied and can be used for additional cooling pipes
- DS: 1x KF100 feedthrough for Helium is unoccupied (relevant?)
- SciFi Detector
- at detector: 2 pipes in, 2 pipes out - on each side
- target temperature: -20°C (100 W per side)
- need to thermally decouple SciFi cooling block & beam pipe
- open question: which temperature is reached at SiPMs?
- isn't the Cooling block a good heat exchanger for the surrounding gas? is 100 W enough as estimate?
- Holes for Vertex detector can be integrated when diameter at 3 mm, not 4 mm
- Interlock signal from temperature sensors possible?
- circuit for a temp. diode for MuPix is existing for the DCDC boards
- something similar could be realized "in principle" also for SciFi when compatible
- what respone time is needed? >>> not needed within a second
- Readout cables for temperature readout at cooling block should be foreseen in the list to mount on beam pipe
- FEB and other electronics
- SSW: 60 FEBs and 60 DABs per side
- 1 back plane design (quarter rings) for US and DS
- on each SSW 4 inlets & 4 outlets for water connections
- design of a manifold connecting this 4 inlets (outlets) to a single tube that is connected then to the flange plate
---> where exactly is the fibre patch panel going to be installed? Simon will contact Nik
- question by Simon: What else needs to pass through the two cutouts in the SSW? (in addition to Simon's SSW cooling)
- all systems should try to add some piping/cabling in CAD if possible
- Chillers etc.
- Huber suggested a Unistate system
- Choice of fluid still pending. PSI should evaluate whether the available coolants.
- cooling temperature at chiller down to -40°C possible
- Big advantage: Pilot One >>> provides many interfaces, easy to monitor & control
- Huber system for FEB and Scintillator cooling, same interface, compatibility
- leakless circuit?
- when on skywalk/balkony not possible
- The SciFi/Tile chiller is requested to stand in the area. Needs to be discussed with AK.
- The big chiller for the He system:
- Can it go cold?
- Coolant?
- Space enough?
- pipes from balcony available from Huber which are isolated. How long? Integrate chillers in Michael Tröndle's 3d printed mock-up