October 6, 2022
Campus Biotech
Europe/Zurich timezone

An Alternative to One-Size-Fits-All Programming Environments

Oct 6, 2022, 1:15 PM
H8-01-D (Campus Biotech)


Campus Biotech

H8 (auditorium) 01 (floor 1) Parking available next to the building (please contact raluca.hodoroaba@cscs.ch to secure a spot)


Ben Cumming (CSCS)


The programming environment - the compilers, libraries and tools provided to users building their own applications - is the main interface for the majority of HPC system users. Typically HPC centers provide a single environment that provides a rich set of tools and libraries, configured via module files to meet the needs of individual use cases. As centers offer HPC access to more communities with diverse workflows this "one size fits all" approach becomes very difficult to maintain. This talk will look at alternative approaches for providing use-case specific environments being developed for the Alps system at CSCS.

Presentation materials