CAS Accelerator Seminars

Lattice Design of the SPring-8-II Storage Ring

by Soutome Kouichi (RIKEN SPring-8 Center)




An upgrade plan for the SPring-8 facility (SPring-8-II) is currently under consideration.  Although the target emittance of the new storage ring was initially set at 150 pmrad (SPring-8-II Conceptual Design Report, 2014), we are now considering reducing the emittance to around 100 pmrad by further optimizing the linear and non-linear lattice.  In addition, damping wigglers will also be installed in a part of long straight sections, and together with the insertion devices for user experiments, the emittance will be reduced to around 50 pmrad by the radiation damping effect.
I will present some details of the storage ring lattice design and related topics.

For details, contact Romain Ganter at ext. 5279