LEAPS WG2 Meeting January 2023

Marco Calvi (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 4:00 PM 4:15 PM
      PerMaACC 15m

      The goal of the proposal is two-fold, from one side, to produce prototypes which would validate the techniques required for producing accelerator magnets in series. Which shall comply with the required magnetic quality specifications, including long term stability, and which shall have built-in tunability to cope with the required flexibility for error correction. On the other hand, to establish the methodology to produce magnets out of recycled material, and validate the process with a “green magnet” prototype.

      Speaker: Francis Perez (ALBA Synchrotron - CELLS)
    • 4:15 PM 4:30 PM
      HarmonLIP 15m

      For future light sources aiming to achieve even lower emittances than the present suite of existing and planned sources, good control of the bunch length will be even more critical and one may envisage the need to achieve considerably larger lengthening ratios than those achieved today (which vary from 2 to 5). Combining different harmonic systems may be a mechanism to provide such extremely long bunches and this project aims to experimentally demonstrate its feasibility.

      Speaker: Pedro Fernandes Tavares (MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University)
    • 4:30 PM 4:45 PM
      HiBri 15m

      Applications of High Temperature Superconductors (HTS) REBCO tapes and bulks to increase the brightness of next generation beamlines. The performance of super-bends, wigglers and undulators will be greatly enhanced by this new and challenging technology and REBCO will find a new and attractive application which will contribute to its development.

      Speaker: Marco Calvi (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 4:45 PM 5:00 PM
      Androids for Remote Access 15m

      Androids can access parts of the facility normally forbidden to people due, e.g., to radiation hazards in accelerator bunkers, and they can be the eyes and the hands of a human operator. The collaboration with universities and research institutes, especially CERN, will complement the business relation with the involved procurement companies. The android can be remotely operated by a human who guides each of its actions using enhanced/virtual reality tools. This could be the initial mode of operating them within our facilities. If this approach would be demonstrated successful, a higher degree of automation could be evaluated. This step requires the implementation of machine learning algorithms for pattern recognitions to autonomously identify objects of interest and to act on them accordingly to the requirements.

      Speaker: Rainer Wanzenberg (DESY)
    • 5:00 PM 5:15 PM
      Virtual Diagnostic 15m

      Combining state-of-the-art ML models with observation data will allow extraction of more information than conventional methods such as images from beam position monitors, screens or transverse deflectors. Such models could also allow to understand and overcome the resolution limit, as well as to extract beam properties for machines and locations where conventional diagnostics may not be available. They promise computational efficiency in otherwise intensive processing for extracting meaningful information, as well as enable continuous effective mixed training using both models and observational machine data. Non-destructive diagnostics also allow for monitoring and optimization of the machine properties for the specific experiment taking place.

      Speaker: Thomas Tschentscher (European XFEL)
    • 5:15 PM 5:30 PM
      LPS - Longitudinal Phase Space 15m

      Longitudinal Phase Space e-beam physics for fully coherent FELs and high-field THz pump sources. An injector test facility with the suitable characteristics and requiring minor modifications shall be identified (MAXIV, PSI?) to conduct an experimental campaign to demonstrate these new concepts.

      Speaker: Pavel Evtushenko (HZDR)