Greetings! Welcome to the Summer School on Correlative Microscopy Techniques.
In recent years, advancements in correlative imaging methods have allowed us to better understand the underlying principles of biological systems by bridging the gap between structure and function. With the integration of cutting-edge sample preparation, instrumentation, and computation techniques, we are now able to gain unprecedented insights into complex biological phenomena.
In this summer school, we have planned a series of talks, workshops, and training sessions from domain experts. This will give you a chance to learn from the best and evaluate the efficacy of a particular correlative imaging modality to the problem of your interest. Whether you're a Graduate student looking to expand your knowledge, or a Ph.D. student looking for answers to critical steps in a correlative imaging workflow, this summer school is the perfect opportunity to do so.
You will have the chance to delve into a variety of exciting topics, including Correlative Light and X-Ray imaging, Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy, and Correlative AFM and SEM Imaging. Our program has been carefully designed to cater to master's and Ph.D. students, and will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in these fields.
Don't miss this chance to network with other professionals and make valuable connections, while advancing your skills and knowledge in correlative imaging techniques. Registration will begin on 28th February.
We look forward to seeing you there!