Topics to be discussed within the different working groups:
Storage & Remote Access
(chair: Derek Feichtinger)
• Band width requirements
• Data storage / data compression / data size / can users take their data home? Technical implications
• Remote experiment access
• Remote data access
• Pre processing of the data be-fore storage (high priority).
• Hardware issues: pre-processing transmission on storage.
Data Analysis
(Chair: Bruce Patterson)
• Experimental metadata, software / digital logbook I
• Standard data analysis software? Online analysis. Acces to data should be very fast, in order to decide what to measure next.
Question Key Notes:
How do users get their data?
How is data analysis performed?
What is the data rate?
What is the expectation concerning inside-group IT know how?
Typical size of groups
IT personnel needed, central services (PSI, SwissFEL)
IT personnel needed (user support)
Financial resources (hardware, licenses)
Comparison requirements FEL vs. synchrotron
More information about the past Workshops: