25 September 2023
Tent, next to SLS
Europe/Zurich timezone

Dear PSI-SLS fans

(all PSI people involved in building and running the current SLS and those involved in the SLS 2.0 upgrade)


It is time to say

“Goodbye to user operation of the current SLS in order to get started with the SLS 2.0 upgrade”

On Monday, 25th September at 07:00, the user operation will end, followed by a short beamline development until 10:00, when the beamline shutters will be closed (and remain closed). The machine will then perform some final tests and characterization measurements until Saturday, 30th September at 08:00, when the SLS will be switched off completely.

We can look back on a long and successful life of the SLS, which was inaugurated in 2001. To mark this important transition, we would like to invite you to a small, internal and informal “End user operation of the current SLS” party.


When: Monday, 25th September 2023

Time: 16:00 (until about 18:00)

Place: tent at the SLS (when facing the SLS entrance, the tent is located on the left hand side)

Please register by Monday, 18th September 2023 in https://indico.psi.ch/e/SLS-party

If you would like, please upload old pictures in jpg format (please reduce to a reasonable size like 300kB to 1000 kB size) from the SLS to https://drive.switch.ch/index.php/s/01uRjIo7cD8ULbn

We plan to make a poster out of these pictures which can then be signed by everyone.

Looking forward to seeing you
Frithjof Nolting on behalf of PSD/SLS


Tent, next to SLS