Trapezoid filtering:
- Fit for tau at the start of the exponential tail
- Scan model space for best gap and peaking time values: Gap barely improves after ~200 clock ticks, while the peaking typically improves the higher it gets. However, struck has maximal allowed values for the peaking time around 2000 clock ticks
- Some remaining discrepancy in energy position, not sure why --> Trend should be alright, but it would be good to check this at some point
Neutron analysis:
- Pulse shape discrimination works quite well
- Checked optimal short integration end: energy cut; make PSD plots for different short integral ends; fit with double guassian --> Find maximal discrimination with figure of merit
- Some first energy spectra (doesn't say much) and time difference spectra (maybe lifetime of muonic atoms)
- Suggestion Andreas & Frederik: Photon vs neutron coincidence energy plot would be interesting (likely next years data)
Update K-40 sample:
- iThemba think they might be able to start implanting next week
- Stable K-39 beam of 3µA --> Need 2 days of continuous beam (~1 week) for 1E17 particles
- Keep going as long as possible, stop for sure after 3E17 particles (~5 Bq; ~20µg implanted; amount retained?)
Preparing the romanian detectors:
- One works nicely
- Tested Trapezoid filter code --> works
- Broken component in the other pre-amp due to wrong female-female pre-amp cable --> Should have fully working for beamtime
- Something went wrong with the clover's first cooling --> Try again next week
Other detectors:
- Adapted for MIXE's REGE6022 detector should arrive just before the potassium measurement
- REGE9524: started biasing, but started drawing a lot of current; after some tests it seems fine but monitor it closely
- Too high temperature in NIM crate --> Fan for temporary fix, but should be looked at
People from Bratislava will come with final design for SDD electronics Monday or Tuesday
Swiss authorities want to stop by to see how we handle the radium during the beamtime
Ag-108m collection has been sheduled at ISOLDE in the week of 13/11 (irradiated 107 currently missing, but they are looking for it)
Al-26 proposal submitted, feedback very optimistic
Pure Al-26 will be tough to get; Suggestion Andreas: Should we consider Compton supression?
Started the ball rolling with Karlsruhe for thorium targets
We have 4x8Tb disks; cleaned up midas files from monument; Michael will return last year's backup disk
Reanalyze on different user. Should we analyze with the backup disk after copying the backup files?
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