"Ergodicity breaking and quantum trajectories in multimode cavities"

18 Jun 2024, 09:00
Siemens Auditorium, HIT E 51 (ETH Zürich)

Siemens Auditorium, HIT E 51

ETH Zürich

ETH Hönggerberg Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5 8093 Zürich


Sarang Gopalakrishnan (Princeton University)


I will briefly review why a spin-glass phase can form in a multimode cavity. I will discuss how monitoring the light emitted from the cavity (or more generally, the radiation from an open quantum system) can yield signatures of ergodicity breaking. As a specific example I will discuss the distribution of overlaps between low-energy states in a spin glass. If time permits I will also discuss how cavities can be used to sequentially generate highly entangled states.

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