CMT/LTC Seminars

Interacting fermions coupled to a dissipative cavity: bistability of self-organized phases

by Luisa Tolle (University of Bonn)




In open interacting many body quantum systems, the competition between various energy scales and the coupling to an external bath lead to rich phase diagrams and interesting phenomena.
In our work, we investigate the many body dynamics of the self ordering phase transition present in atomic systems coupled to quantum light. We consider ultracold interacting fermionic atoms confined in a 1D optical lattice globally coupled to the field of a dissipative cavity mode. It provides a perfect playground to study the steady states and dynamic self-ordering processes of these complex systems.

Our calculations use a newly developed analytic approach going beyond the mean field level by incorporating fluctuations in the coupling between atoms and cavity field.
In this talk I will focus on our most recent results observing bistable steady states within the self-organized phase of the system. 

Organized by

Laboratory for Theoretical and Computational Physics

Host: Dr. Markus Müller