13–15 Nov 2024
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone

For further information, please contact Doris Bühler

Two-color X-ray pump-probe experiments at SwissFEL

15 Nov 2024, 11:40
OSGA/EG6 (Paul Scherrer Institut)


Paul Scherrer Institut


Kirsten Schnorr (PSI)


Multi-color X-ray pulses with adjustable delay allow to follow ultrafast charge and energy transfer in time and space due to the state selectivity of X-ray photoabsorption. With two freely tunable X-ray pump-probe energies from the Athos line, we can excite at one atomic site and monitor subsequent relaxation processes throughout a system at another site. In this talk, I will show results from our first two-color experiment on small gas-phase molecules. We employed transient absorption and ion-time-of-flight spectroscopy to track the core-excitation induced dynamics in nitrous oxide by exciting the molecules with a pump pulse tuned to the nitrogen K-edge and probing with a pulse tuned to the oxygen K-edge. Pushing the pulse duration into the few to sub-fs regime will give access to study X-ray induced dynamics on sub-Auger lifetimes. This is crucial to understand processes like charge migration or the initial steps of radiation damage, and to implement non-linear X-ray spectroscopy techniques.

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