KKL Visit 2023

Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt

Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt


Dear colleagues

On this page you will find all necessary info for the guided zone tour at KKL Leibstadt, foreseen for summer students and new colleagues from NES and related groups who have never been in a nuclear power plant.

Main info:

Tue,  22.08.2023 08:30
Mon, 28.08.2023 08:30
approx. 4.5h
German or English

  • Only for summer students or newcomers from NES and related groups, working in the nuclear field, who have never been in a nuclear power plant.
  • Number of participants is limited à places are given on a first comes, first serves basis.
  • A few limiting conditions apply (no pregnant or breast-feeding women, no open wounds). 


If you fulfill the requirements and if you are interested, please register until Friday, July 28th, 2023 by filling in the survey. (The additional info are required by KKL).

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. You might want also to have a look on the www.kkl.ch website.

Looking forward to an interesting KKL visit 2023,

Kind regards

Petra Kull (LRT)                 Johannes Bertsch (LNM)


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