LTP(izza)hD 10/2024

WBGB/021 (TimeOut)

WBGB/021 (TimeOut)

Sophie Kollatzsch (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut), Timothy David Hume (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)

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All LTP students and postdocs of PSI and associated groups/universities are invited to join this event in the LTPhD seminar series. There will be plenty of time for discussions and to enjoy the pizza together.

  • Cornelis D
  • David Radic
  • Elmer Grundeman
  • Fabian Lange
  • Giovanni Dal Maso
  • Giuseppe Lospalluto
  • Joanna Peszka
  • Lea S
  • Lisa Biermann
  • Liza Yedelkina
  • Luigi Vigani
  • Lukas Gerritzen
  • Sara Gündogdu
  • Siddharth Rajamohanan
  • Sophie Kollatzsch
  • Victoria Kletzl
    • 1
      Muon Radiography: Imaging Large-Scale Structures with Cosmic Muons

      Muon radiography also referred as muography is an imaging method that uses cosmic-ray muons to study the interior structure of natural or man-made large-scale objects. By exploiting the high penetration ability of muons, this method measures their absorption profiles as they pass through various materials, enabling detailed imaging of the object's interior. Muography has diverse applications in fields such as archaeology, volcanology, geosciences, nuclear waste characterization, and border security.
      This presentation aims to introduce the fundamentals of muography, the primary detection technologies employed, and showcasing examples of significant experiments in the field.

      Speaker: Amrutha Samalan (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 17:50
    • 2
      Electroweak precision at low energies

      The lack of direct observations of physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) at high energies makes it all the more necessary to work at the precision frontier both in theory and experiment, which is at the heart of indirect searches for new physics at low energies.
      In order to disentangle small virtual effects on low-energy observables, the theoretical predictions in the Standard Model should have an accuracy comparable to or even better than the experimental errors, a challenge that requires, along with other things, the improvement of electroweak precision calculations.
      In this talk, I will discuss some of the key challenges and subtleties in pursuing this task, presenting an elegant approach based on a low-energy effective field theory that greatly simplifies multi-scale perturbative calculations while serving as a modern tool for parametrizing possible BSM effects.

      Speaker: David Radic (PSI/UZH)