LMS Seminars

Ab initio modelling of 2D materials and interfaces for spintronics

by Dr Libor Vojáček (SPINTEC CEA Grenoble)




Spintronics has given birth to multiple commercial applications of new-generation nanoelectronics exploiting the spin degree of freedom of electrons. Identifying suitable materials for spintronics is a crucial task, accelerated by ab initio calculations, which also provide important insights into the underlying physical phenomena. We used a complete set of ab initio computational methods to investigate magnetic and spin-transport properties of interfaces and 2D materials, utilizing density functional theory, Wannier functions and tight-binding models for the electronic ground state, in conjunction with Landauer-Büttiker, Kubo and Valet-Raimondi quantum transport formalisms. (1) We provide microscopic insights into the evolution of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and magnetic anisotropy in Pt/Co/Al/AlOx heterostructures with a variable Al insertion; (2) we confirm that Cr2Te3 films should exhibit an anomalous Hall effect sign reversal; (3) we predict that asymmetrical Janus CrXY monolayers can serve as an all-in-one platform for field-free spin-orbit torque (SOT)-switched perpendicular magnetic random access memories (MRAM); (4) we demonstrate the role of disorder and vertex corrections in ab initio SOT calculations, and (5) we propose a plausible switching mechanism of the technologically important ferroelectric Rashba semiconductor GeTe, underlining the importance of ab initio techniques for advancing disruptive computation and memory technologies.

Organized by

Laboratory for Materials Simulations (LMS)

Matthias Krack