What am I signing up for?
We are all processing and analysing data and/or simulation or are performing calculations in some way. However, this work should not disappear when the people who wrote the code move on. Luckily, a number of tools have permeated the particle physics computing culture that can be used to help ensure that analyses are preserved in a robust way, thereby facilitating the reproduction of our own results. This bootcamp aims to introduce analyzers who are already proficient in basic analysis tools and concepts (e.g. C++, Python, event selection, limit setting, theory calculations) to the next level of robust analysis. This in particular includes the building of (Docker) container images and using the Continuous Integration features of GitLab to test and run your code and sharing it with others.
Is this for me?
If you have ever spent hours banging your head against code that someone gave you as a starting point, either because it doesn’t compile or segfaults immediately upon running or simply spits out empty histograms - this bootcamp is for you. If you know someone who thinks that Docker is so great and won’t stop advocating for it - this workshop is for you. If you are going to be doing science at PSI - this workshop is for you. And if you are thinking of moving to a career outside of academia - this workshop is for you.
This bootcamp will be particularly useful for those who are in the midst of an analysis at the moment, as it will give you knowhow about tools that you can put to practice immediately. However, this is not a pre-requisite for attending, but rather it will be of greatest utility for such individuals.
The focus is on code running on Linux.
Can I attend remotely?
This event is a hands-on bootcamp, meaning that in-person attendance is needed.
Who is teaching at this thing?
This is a hands-on bootcamp and consists of dynamic lectures/tutorials that involve real-time coding by the instructor. The instructor is Clemens Lange who has taught this material to hundreds of participants in the high energy physics community. The afternoons will be used to give you time to apply the newly learned skills directly to your analysis with the support of instructors and mentors.
Anything else?
There might even be free hot beverages and lunch!