Electronic-structure simulations for user communities at large-scale facilities

The Laboratory for Materials Simulations (LMS), part of the PSI Center for Scientific Computing, Theory, and Data (CSD), is organizing a 4-day focused course on: "Electronic-structure simulations for user communities at large-scale facilities".

The objective of the course is to provide a gentle introduction to the current capabilities in electronic-structure simulations for materials, having as key target audience experimentalists working at large-scale facilities.

The course will also discuss how to access these capabilities and run simulations through user-friendly web interfaces. All the software and infrastructure is open-source, is currently deployed at PSI, and can be redeployed freely anywhere else.

Course structure and timing

The course consists of four 2-hour modules:

  1. Fundamentals of electronic-structure theories: DFT and beyond (Thu, April 3 | 14:00-16:00 CEST | PSI Auditorium and streaming), Prof. Nicola Marzari (EPFL and PSI)
  2. Predicting materials properties with electronic-structure simulations (Fri, April 4 | 14:00-16:00 CEST | PSI Auditorium and streaming), Prof. Nicola Marzari (EPFL and PSI)
  3. Practical guide to DFT simulations, and hands-on session on-premises and in the cloud (Mon, April 7 | 14:00-16:00 CEST | PSI Auditorium and streaming), Dr. Giovanni Pizzi (PSI) and team
  4. Automated simulations for large-scale-facility applications (Wed, April 9 | 14:00-16:00 CEST | PSI Auditorium, and streaming), Dr. Giovanni Pizzi (PSI) and team

Streaming: The four modules will also be broadcast online in webinar mode (see details below). 

Coffee: Coffee will be served at 16:00 outside the PSI Auditorium, at the end of each module. 

Additional support: Module 3 and 4 will be followed by an optional hour (16:00-17:00 CEST), for in-person participants, for additional direct support in running the simulations.

Course content

Modules 1 & 2 will provide an introduction to the fundamentals of electronic-structure methods, their current capabilities and limitations, highlighting which materials properties can be calculated, and with which accuracy. Suggested reading: N. Marzari, A. Ferretti, and C. Wolverton, Nature Materials 20, 736 (2021).

Modules 3 & 4, with support from Dr. Edan Bainglass, Dr. Miki Bonacci, Mr. Timo Reents, and Dr. Xing Wang (all from PSI LMS) and Dr. Andres Ortega-Guerrero (Empa) will be hands-on sessions where on-site participants will run simulations directly in the cloud via their browser using our AiiDAlab platform.

Participants will learn how to execute automated electronic-structure simulations, including:

  • Crystal-structure relaxation with DFT
  • Electronic properties: band structures, (projected) density of states
  • Lattice dynamics & spectroscopy: phonons, infrared/Raman spectra, inelastic neutron scattering
  • Muon spectroscopy: muon stopping sites (µSR)

Additional workflows will be discussed, including XPS, XAS, Bader charge analysis, Wannier functions (and derived properties such as Fermi surfaces, polarization, and electronic transport), and automated determination of U&V parameters for DFT+U(+V).

Webinar details

Webinar ID: 69151603685
Passcode: 5858
Direct link: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/69151603685?pwd=i3anGK0ZKAtaefafWrfGOIT6gPbGUt.1

Note: no direct interaction/support can be offered to online attendees.  

For sessions 3 and 4: instructions will be sent by email (a few days before, to registered participants) to setup and run the AiiDAlab platform on their own laptop. Remote attendees will then run the tutorial examples during the sessions.

(In-presence attendees will instead also get access to a demo AiiDAlab server, active for the course duration).


If you interested in attending either in person or online (to facilitate organization, and receive follow up information for online attendance), please register at this link by Sunday March 30thhttps://forms.gle/ZdkQCjxLymTjVehP7


We acknowledge the support of several institutions and projets in developing AiiDAlab and the related AiiDA workflows and apps. A full list of acknowledgments can be found here.

PSI Auditorium