SwissFEL Photonics: "Pump Laser Workshop"
Friday 16 November 2012 -
Monday 12 November 2012
Tuesday 13 November 2012
Wednesday 14 November 2012
Thursday 15 November 2012
Friday 16 November 2012
Welcome and Introduction to SwissFEL
Rafael Abela
Welcome and Introduction to SwissFEL
Rafael Abela
09:00 - 09:05
Room: OSGA/EG06
Overview Talk - Aramis Laser System (PSI)
Lasergroup PSI
Overview Talk - Aramis Laser System (PSI)
Lasergroup PSI
09:05 - 09:30
Room: OSGA/EG06
Introduction to ESA
Chris Milne
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Introduction to ESA
Chris Milne
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
09:30 - 09:45
Room: OSGA/EG06
ESA - Talk 1: Structural Dynamics in Hydrogen-Bonded and Transition-Metal Systems
Nils Huse
ESA - Talk 1: Structural Dynamics in Hydrogen-Bonded and Transition-Metal Systems
Nils Huse
09:45 - 10:15
Room: OSGA/EG06
Investigating solution-phase chemistry with X-ray spectroscopy holds great promise to unravel new structural and electronic details of chemical reactions pathways. The elemental specificity and sensitivity to oxidation state, spin, and structural arrangement in combination with ultrafast measurement schemes render X-ray-excited core-hole transitions a very effective tool to follow and characterize excited states of matter. We have investigated several solvated transition-metal complexes, relating to catalysis and photovoltaic applications, to gather detailed insight into transient valence charge densities. On the basis of past experience user needs for a suite of chemical reaction triggers and the respective requirements for a laser system at the upcoming SwissFEL will be discussed.
ESA - Talk 2
Andreas Galler
ESA - Talk 2
Andreas Galler
10:15 - 10:45
Room: OSGA/EG06
Coffee break
Coffee break
10:45 - 11:10
Room: OSGA/EG06
Introduction to ESB
Paul Beaud
Paul Scherrer Institut
Introduction to ESB
Paul Beaud
Paul Scherrer Institut
11:10 - 11:25
Room: OSGA/EG06
ESB - Talk 1
Michael Foerst
ESB - Talk 1
Michael Foerst
11:25 - 11:55
Room: OSGA/EG06
ESB - Talk 2: Ultrafast dynamics in strongly correlated systems: from melting to control
Steven Johnson
ESB - Talk 2: Ultrafast dynamics in strongly correlated systems: from melting to control
Steven Johnson
11:55 - 12:25
Room: OSGA/EG06
X-ray free electron lasers offer unique and exciting possibilities for studying the real-time dynamics of atomic scale structure in materials when the x-rays are used as a probe. Such experiments, however, also require an appropriate stimulus of dynamics. In this talk I will discuss the different types of "pump" pulses that we can anticipate as relevant for such experiments, with some emphasis on current developments in this area relevant for the study of multiferroics and ferroelectric materials.
Discussion - Wrap up ESA and ESB User Demands
Paul Beaud
Paul Scherrer Institut
Chris Milne
Paul Scherrer Institut
Discussion - Wrap up ESA and ESB User Demands
Paul Beaud
Paul Scherrer Institut
Chris Milne
Paul Scherrer Institut
12:25 - 13:00
Room: OSGA/EG06
Business Lunch
Business Lunch
13:00 - 14:00
Room: OSGA/EG06
Laser Responsible - Talk 1: Lasers in FEL science: bringing ultrafast optical to ultrafast x-ray experimental stations
Ryan Coffee
Laser Responsible - Talk 1: Lasers in FEL science: bringing ultrafast optical to ultrafast x-ray experimental stations
Ryan Coffee
14:00 - 14:30
Room: OSGA/EG06
After only three years of user operations at LCLS, the optical laser systems have evolved in many key ways. We will discuss this evolution paying close attention to stability of the lasers and components and the importance of redundancy. We will list a couple of positive and negative experiences with system components and relate that to what should be available on day one. These experiences not only show how redundancy promotes rapid trouble-shooting but also how it promotes the research and development that is increasingly needed for cutting edge optical technology. The bleeding edge of laser technology must then be immediately engineered into a stable solution on experiments and this requires a healthy fraction of engineering driven staff to focus on the "D" in R&D. We will see how some of the current R&D efforts at LCLS are pushing the frontier of optical technology and see that some staff must be driven by "big-questions" in science so that the "R" in R&D is driven by legitimate xFEL science. It is a question of management style whether these R&D efforts are leveraged to promote academic vision which in turn alleviates burnout and promotes not only staff retention but staff development.
Laser Responsible - Talk 2
Maximilian Lederer
Laser Responsible - Talk 2
Maximilian Lederer
14:30 - 15:00
Room: OSGA/EG06
Industry - Talk 1: Reliability and stability of the novel ultra-fast, high repetition rate light sources based on Ti:sapphire : the impact of pump sources
Federico Canova
Industry - Talk 1: Reliability and stability of the novel ultra-fast, high repetition rate light sources based on Ti:sapphire : the impact of pump sources
Federico Canova
15:00 - 15:20
Room: OSGA/EG06
The ultrafast laser systems faced a dramatic development in the last years. The requirements in term of performances (ultra-short duration, CEP stability, high repetition rate) are completed now by the need to operate the laser systems continuously, with an extremely high repeatability of the performances. The focus of this presentation will be specifically on the impact of the pumping sources to obtain and keep the required performances.
Industry - Talk 2: Ultrafast oscillator and kHz amplifiers for use in FELs and Synchrotrons: meeting performance and reliability demands
Marco Arrigoni
Industry - Talk 2: Ultrafast oscillator and kHz amplifiers for use in FELs and Synchrotrons: meeting performance and reliability demands
Marco Arrigoni
15:20 - 15:40
Room: OSGA/EG06
Ultrafast amplifiers fulfill multiple purposes when used in conjunction with FELs and particles accelerators: photoinjection, linewidth narrowing and time-resolved experiments. All of these tasks pose specific requirements on the laser sources, inclusive of non-standard performances, tight synchronization with the accelerator and minimal downtime. In this presentation we will review how substantial improvements in power, stability and reliability have been achieved in the current generation of oscillators and amplifiers.
Coffee break
Coffee break
15:40 - 16:00
Room: OSGA/EG06
Discussion - Wrap up afternoon
Christoph Hauri
Paul Scherrer Institut
Marta Divall
Paul Scherrer Institut
Discussion - Wrap up afternoon
Christoph Hauri
Paul Scherrer Institut
Marta Divall
Paul Scherrer Institut
16:00 - 17:00
Room: OSGA/EG06