4–6 Apr 2011
ETH Zurich, Campus Science City, HIT Building
Europe/Zurich timezone

Ultrafast electric field gating of quantum transport in a cuprate superconductor

6 Apr 2011, 14:00
ETH Zurich, Campus Science City, HIT Building

ETH Zurich, Campus Science City, HIT Building


Andreas Dienst (University of Oxford)


In cuprate superconductors, tunneling between copper-oxide planes constitutes three-dimensional coherent transport. When a phase gradient of the condensate wavefunction is introduced perpendicular to the planes, the interlayer tunneling amplitude is reduced. As such, c-axis superconductivity becomes controllable by an external electric field resulting in a time-dependent phase modulation. Here, we use a single-cycle terahertz electric field to gate of superconducting transport bi-directionally in La1.84Sr0.16CuO4. Oscillations between superconducting and resistive states are induced, at a frequency controlled by the electric field strength. In-plane superconductivity remains unperturbed, giving rise to an exotic state in which the dimensionality of superconducting transport is time-dependent. Ultrafast gating of interlayer coupling across individual Copper-oxide planes is of interest for device applications in high-speed nanoelectronics. It also represents a novel example of nonlinear terahertz physics, applicable to nanoplasmonics and active metamaterials.

Primary author

Andreas Dienst (University of Oxford)


Andrea Cavalleri (University of Hamburg - CFEL - University of Oxford) Daniele Fausti (University of Hamburg - CFEL) Hidenori Takagi (University of Tokyo - RIKEN) Jesse Petersen (University of Oxford) Matthias Hoffmann (University of Hamburg - CFEL) S Pyon (University of Tokyo) Tomohiro Takayama (University of Tokyo)

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