4–6 Apr 2011
ETH Zurich, Campus Science City, HIT Building
Europe/Zurich timezone

Cold atoms in a 1D periodically driven system

4 Apr 2011, 14:10
ETH Zurich, Campus Science City, HIT Building

ETH Zurich, Campus Science City, HIT Building


Dario Poletti (Université de Genève)


We study the driving of a one-dimensional ultracold quantum gases an optical lattice. The driving is a periodic translation of the lattice potential in space. If the lattice itself is quickly shaken this induces effectively a change of the tunneling constant between neighboring lattice sites. This has also been recently verified experimentally. We study how the presence of such a driving affects the different quantum states that can emerge in a one-dimensional system.

Primary author

Dario Poletti (Université de Genève)


Corinna Kollath (Université de Genève)

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