
Opened Nov 25, 2013
Closed Apr 11, 2014

Payments cannot be processed before filling the registration form. Registration will be complete when the conference fees are received. Participation Fees Regular participantCHF 750 StudentCHF 400 Accompanying personCHF 400 The registration fees cover lunches and coffee breaks during the entire stay, the conference dinner and an excursion option. Student Support There will be a small amount of money available for supporting and encouraging the participation of students in muSR2014. If you wish to be considered for this support, please register to the conference, submit a poster or an oral contribution, and email the conference organizers your CV and a letter of support from your supervisor. Emails should be sent to with the subject "Student support". Cancellation Policy Cancellations requests received before the registration deadline, 31 March 2014, will not incur a cancellation fee.Cancellations requests received after the registration deadline will incur a cancellation fee:CHF 200 for a regular participantCHF 100 for a student or an accompanying personSubstitutions will not incur additional costs. Cancellations must be received per email or by fax to +41 56 310 3294. Payment Options Payments can be made either by credit card or bank transfer. For credit card payments: Please follow the link that you received in the registration email. This link carries your unique registration ID number and the exact amount you should pay. For bank transfers: BankRaiffeisenbank Boettstein 5314 Kleindoettingen Switzerland Account no63912.55 Bank code80652 SWIFTRAIFCH22 IBANCH93 8065 2000 0063 9125 5 Account holderPaul Scherrer Institut CH-5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland CommunicatemuSR2014, last name, first name

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.