HiRadMat (High Irradiation to Materials) facility is a new facility under construction at CERN designed to provide high-intensity pulsed beams to an irradiation area where raw materials as well as accelerator component assemblies can be tested. The facility uses a 440 GeV proton beam extracted from the CERN SPS with a pulse length of 7.2 μs, to an unprecedented maximum pulse power of 3.4MJ. Ion beams can be used as well with an energy of 173.5 GeV/nucleon and a total pulse power of 21 kJ. The facility is expected to become operational in autumn 2011. The first tests will include candidate materials and prototype assemblies of LHC collimators foreseen to operate at the ultimate LHC beam powers. Experiments on beam windows and high-power target material options, such as tungsten powder, are also planned. The presentation will describe the layout and design parameters for the facility and the way experiments can be operated. Ideas on online and post-irradiation tests and instrumentation will be outlined.
Contact: Leonid Rivkin (3214)<o:p></o:p>