21–24 May 2013
Hotel Rigi Kulm
Europe/Zurich timezone
5th Status Meeting 2013, Rigi Kulm

Low temperature oxygen mobility applied to catalysis.

22 May 2013, 17:00
Main Lecture Hall (Hotel Rigi Kulm)

Main Lecture Hall

Hotel Rigi Kulm

6410 Rigi Kulm Switzerland


Mr Bartosz Penkala (Universite de Montpellier 2/Saint-Gobain Cavaillon)


Nowadays, much attention has been given to the fundamental and applied studies of low temperature ionic conductors. Thanks to the interesting properties and diverse applications possibilities, they are commonly investigated by academic and industrial research centers throughout the whole world. From one hand, low temperature oxygen mobility mechanisms are widely investigated for a better understanding of this phenomenon in order to improve the efficiency of those systems. We want to underline the technological importance of these oxides, associated to a steeply increasing budget. This project profits on a natural scientific symbiosis between universities, industries and large scale facilities, allowing to optimize synthesis, structural and microstructural control, as well as a characterization of the catalytic and surface properties, benefiting on the competencies of all involved partners. Based on the practical case study of low temperature oxygen mobility applied to catalysis, importance of each part of the system will be presented and benefits coming from such collaboration will be shown. Spectroscopic and diffraction method handled at the University of Montpellier 2 combined with neutron studies performed in PSI and ILL will be used as a tool for better understanding of highly efficient catalysts synthetized and characterized in Saint-Gobain, all in the frame of the French CIFRE-doctoral program.

Primary author

Mr Bartosz Penkala (Universite de Montpellier 2/Saint-Gobain Cavaillon)

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