SwissFEL Laser Heater Review
Friday 26 April 2013 -
Monday 22 April 2013
Tuesday 23 April 2013
Wednesday 24 April 2013
Thursday 25 April 2013
Friday 26 April 2013
Welcome and general introduction
Marco Pedrozzi
Paul Scherrer Institut
Welcome and general introduction
Marco Pedrozzi
Paul Scherrer Institut
08:30 - 09:00
Room: OHSA/E13
- Parameter summary (beam and laser) - Layout building situation and environment parmeters - Layout machine lattice at the LH (overview of all components + 2D model - Integration of laser transfer in the building - Illustration aspects (task distribution overview) - Scheduling and comissioning aspects
LH specifications and beam dynamics
Marco Pedrozzi
Paul Scherrer Institut
LH specifications and beam dynamics
Marco Pedrozzi
Paul Scherrer Institut
09:00 - 09:30
Room: OHSA/E13
- Beam heating requirements - Operation range (max-min charge, max-min energy) - Undulator requirements - Optics and chicane specifications (dipoles, axis separation, R56)
"Standard" Electron diagnostics
Rasmus Ischebeck
Paul Scherrer Institut
"Standard" Electron diagnostics
Rasmus Ischebeck
Paul Scherrer Institut
09:30 - 10:00
Room: OHSA/E13
- Screen monitors specifications & options (interfacing with photon diagnostics) - BPM (alignment survey along the undulator and feed back) - BAM (synchronization survey and feed back)
Coffee break
Coffee break
10:00 - 10:30
Room: OHSA/E13
Undulator design and engineering (+ discussion)
barry fell
Undulator design and engineering (+ discussion)
barry fell
10:30 - 12:00
Room: OHSA/E13
- Presentation of design status - presentation (Daresbury) - Discussion/verification interfacing with beam (magnetic design) - Discussion interfacing with mechanics (positioning, supports and alignment) - Discussion interfacing with controls (motors and encoders)
Lunch break
Lunch break
12:00 - 13:30
Room: OHSA/E13
Laser system and transfer line
Carlo Vicario
Paul Scherrer Institut
Laser system and transfer line
Carlo Vicario
Paul Scherrer Institut
13:30 - 14:00
Room: OHSA/E13
- Presentation laser system and transfer line specifications/concept - Presentation laser optics & concept for the coupling (geometry & chamber constraints)
Laser diagnostic requirements
Carlo Vicario
Paul Scherrer Institut
Volker Ziemann
Upsala University
Laser diagnostic requirements
Carlo Vicario
Paul Scherrer Institut
Volker Ziemann
Upsala University
14:00 - 16:00
Room: OHSA/E13
Suggestion: - one presentation from PSI - one presentation from our Swedish colleagues, concepts and design based on previous experience + discussion To be covered here: - Standard laser diagnostics - Energy - Alignment/pointing survey (virtual waist image) Overlap diagnostics - Transverse overlap setting (screens) + monitoring and feed back (pointing survey with 4 quadrant diodes or camera?) - Longitudinal overlap rough and fine adjustment(the most critical aspects? Survey options: BAM+LAM, EOM for survey?)). - Support system laser optics and diagnostics (optical tables, protection box,..) - Discussion about task distribution & Role of Lund University.
Vacuum system
Lothar Schulz
Paul Scherrer Institut
Vacuum system
Lothar Schulz
Paul Scherrer Institut
16:00 - 16:30
Room: OHSA/E13
- presentation or included in point 1)? (L. Schulz) - Presentation of vacuum chamber basic concept (motorization requirements, laser coupling, chamber size,...)
16:30 - 17:15
Room: OHSA/E13
- Decisions - Task distribution - Open points - Next steps