26–27 Jun 2013
Europe/Berlin timezone
Welcome to the Harmonization meeting Wednesday/Thursday, June 26/27 at Bessy/HZB in Berlin Adlershof.

This is the 5th meeting dealing with authentication / authorization issues at the photon / neutron large facilities, following the meetings at

The meeting will deal with the following important issues:
  • Umbrella kick-off, implementation / deployment of the basic Umbrella service
  • roadmap for the further services (ICAT, Moonshot, bridging)
  • synchronisation/harmonisation of the EU programs involved
  • Horizon2020 at the horizon
Further information:
  • Duration: the meeting will go from Wednesday/noon to Thursday/noon.
  • Travel to the venue: please arrange by yourself
  • Accommodation: please arrange by yourself, for further information please lookup section Material
  • Registration: please register to the event to help us with the organization

Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting,
Mirjam, Bjoern, Heinz J, Thomas
http://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/zentrum/kontakt/standort/wegbeschreibung-ah/index_en.html :further information on how to reach the meeting place. At BESSY please check in at the facility reception and ask for further instructions.