CAS Accelerator Seminars

Comparison of Codes for Beam-Dynamic-Calculations

by Dr Dieter Einfeld (ALBA Barcelona)

WBGB/019 (PSI)



For the design and layout of accelerators “Beam-Dynamics” cal-culations have to be performed in order to show the functionality of the machine and to determine the specifications and requirements of the different accelerator components (vacuum-system, magnets, power supplies, correctors, etc.). For these calculations the so called “Beam-Dynamic-Codes” are used, as for example: MAD, DIMAD, BETA, OPA, AT, TRACY, ELEGANT, ACCELE-RATICUM. In a collaboration of SLS, SOLEIL, SPEAR III, APS, BINP and ALBA a comparison of these codes has been made for the lattices of SOLEIL, APS and ALBA. In a first step the linear lattice parameters have been calculated and in a second step the nonlinear para-meters as tune shifts with energy and amplitude as well the dynamic aperture including energy deviations. Within this seminar the results of this comparison will be presented and discussed. Contact: Terence Garvey (4637)