Magnets and undulators for light sources 1
- Dieter Einfeld (MAX-Lab)
Animesh Jain
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
02/12/2014, 08:30
Riccardo Bartolini
(JAI Oxford and DLS)
02/12/2014, 08:50
Masamitsu Aiba
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
02/12/2014, 09:10
Ben Leigh
(Tesla Engineerign Ltd.)
02/12/2014, 09:30
Martin Johansson
(MAX IV Laboratory)
02/12/2014, 09:50
Experience in the design, construction and tests of small aperture magnets for the Light Sources
William Beeckman
02/12/2014, 11:00
Marco Negrazus
02/12/2014, 11:20