Electrochemical Energy Storage: A Key for Future Energy Systems

WHGA/001 (PSI, Villigen West)


PSI, Villigen West



Paul Scherrer Institut   SCCER Heat and Electricity Storage

The large volume of electricity production capacities from fluctuating sources wind and solar installed in the recent years is the first step towards a CO2 and nuclear waste free energy future. Nevertheless, to transfrom this vision into reality, a second step, the large scale energy storage has to be taken.

In light of this context, the SCCER Storage and the Electrochemistry Laboratory at PSI invites you to two Symposia back to back.
  The SCCER Heat and Electricity Storage
2nd Symposium

The 31st PSI Electrochemistry Symposium
Electrochemical Energy Storage:
A Key for Future Energy Systems

The first day covers the range of energy storage in general, presented by experts from academia and industry with sessions on:
- Battery technology.
- Heat storage.
- Hydrogen production and storage.
- Catalytical and electrocatalytical CO2 reduction - Storage System Interaction.
Information on the past event (2014) can be found here.

The second day is dedicated to the energy storage solutions electrochemistry can offer. Besides of traditional ways of energy storage in pumped hydropower, electrochemistry offers the possibility to store energy not only in various types of batteries, but also in low molecular substances like methane, formaldehyde or others. The field of co-electrolysis  (the electrochemical synthesis of e.g. methane from water and carbondioxide) has a high potential to become a solution for the energy storage problem, and also helps to become less dependent from fossil feedstocks for organic synthesis by reducing the CO2 in (from) the atmosphere. Five experts in the fields of battery research, hydrogen electrochemistry and co-electrolysis will share and discuss their results with you.
Information on the past event (2014) can be found here.

We hope you find the program attractive and are looking forward to welcoming you on May 5 and/or on May 6, 2015, at the Paul Scherrer Institut for discussions, sharing viewpoints or simply updating your state of knowledge.

Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institut and the SCCER Heat and Electricity Storage

For enquiries, please contact us via email at electrochem@psi.ch

    • 09:00 09:45
      Registration and Coffee
    • 09:45 10:15
      Energy Storage: International Outlook UK
      • 09:45
        An Overview of the UK Energy Storage Research Network and Supergen Energy Storage Hub 30m
        Speaker: Prof. Nigel Brandon (Imperial College, UK)
    • 10:15 11:15
      Battery Reseach: Battery Research

      Academic and industrial research highlights

      • 10:15
        A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study of Sodiation and Desodiation Reactions of Tin and Tin Alloys: Interface and Bulk Processes 30m
        Speaker: Dr Claire Villevieille (Paul Scherrer Institute)
      • 10:45
        Li-ion Batteries for use in Public Transportation Infrastructure 30m
        Speaker: Dr Timothy Patey (ABB Schweiz AG)
    • 11:15 11:45
      Coffee Break 30m
    • 11:45 12:45
      Heat Storage

      Academic and industrial research highlights

      • 11:45
        Modelling and Simulation of High-Temperature TES Systems 30m
        Speaker: Dr Maurizio Barbato (SUPSI)
      • 12:15
        Adiabatic CAES: The ADELE-ING project 30m
        Speaker: Dr Stefan Zunft (DLR, D)
    • 12:45 14:15
      Meet and Eat: Poster Session
    • 14:15 15:45
      Chemical Energy Storage

      Academic and industrial research highlights

      • 14:15
        Catalysts for Water Splitting using Renewable Energy 30m
        Speaker: Prof. Kevin Sivula (EPFL)
      • 14:45
        (Electro) reduction of CO2: From Fundamentals Towards Applications 30m
        Speaker: Dr Peter Broekmann (Uni Berne, CH)
      • 15:15
        sunfire Power-to-Liquids: Fuels and Chemicals from CO2, Water and Renewable Energy 30m
        Speaker: Mr Christian von Olshausen (Sunfire, D)
    • 15:45 16:15
      Coffee Break 30m
    • 16:15 17:15
      Interaction of Storage Technology

      Research highlights

      • 16:15
        Development and First Application of an Assessment Method for Energy Storage 30m
        Speakers: Dr Christian Bauer (PSI, CH), Dr David Parra (Uni Genf, CH)
      • 16:45
        The Energy Systems Integration Platform at PSI 30m
        Speaker: Dr Peter Jansohn (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), General Energy, Combustion Research Laboratory)
    • 17:15 17:30
  • Wednesday 6 May
    • 09:00 09:30
      Registration and Coffee
    • 09:30 09:45
      Welcome and Introduction
      • 09:30
        Welcome and Introduction 15m
        Speaker: Thomas J. Schmidt (Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 09:45 11:45
      Electrochemical Energy Storage
      • 09:45
        Sunlight-Driven Hydrogen Formation by Membrane Supported Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting 1h
        We are developing an artificial photosynthetic system that will utilize sunlight and water as inputs and will produce hydrogen and oxygen as outputs using a modular, parallel development approach in which the three distinct primary components-the photoanode, the photocathode, and the product-separating but ion-conducting membrane-are fabricated and optimized separately before assembly into a water-splitting system. The design principles incorporate two separate, photosensitive semiconductor/liquid junctions that will collectively generate the 1.7-1.9 V at open circuit to support both the oxidation of H2O (or OH-) and the reduction of H+ (or H2O). The photoanode and photocathode will consist of rod-like semiconductor components, with attached heterogeneous multi-electron transfer catalysts, needed to drive the oxidation or reduction reactions at low overpotentials. The high aspect-ratio semiconductor rod electrode architecture allows for the use of low cost, earth abundant materials without sacrificing energy conversion efficiency due to orthogonalization of light absorption and charge-carrier collection. Additionally, the high surface-area design of the rod-based semiconductor array electrode inherently lowers the flux of charge carriers over the rod array surface relative to the projected geometric surface of the photoelectrode, lowering the photocurrent density at the solid/liquid junction and thereby relaxing demands on the activity (and cost) of any electrocatalysts. Flexible composite polymer film will allow for electron and ion conduction between the photoanode and photocathode while simultaneously preventing mixing of the gaseous products. Separate polymeric materials will be used to make electrical contact between the anode and cathode and also provide structural support. Interspersed patches of an ion conducting polymer will maintain charge balance between the two half-cells. The modularity design approach allows each piece to be independently modified, tested, and improved, as future advances in semiconductor, polymeric, and catalytic materials are made. This work will demonstrate a feasible and functional prototype and blueprint for an artificial photosynthetic system, composed of inexpensive, earth-abundant materials while simultaneously efficient, durable, manufacturably scalable, and readily upgradeable.
        Speaker: Prof. Nate Lewis (California Institute of Technology)
      • 10:45
        Electrolyte-less Design of PEC Cells for Solar Fuels 1h
        Speaker: Prof. Gabriele Centi (University of Messina)
    • 11:45 13:00
      Meet and Eat
    • 13:00 14:00
      Electrochemical Energy Storage
      • 13:00
        The Potential of Hydrogen for Future Energy Systems 1h
        Speaker: Prof. Detlef Stolten (Research Center Jülich)
    • 14:00 16:00
      • 14:00
        Electrolytes as Key to New Battery Technologies 1h
        Speaker: Prof. Martin Winter (University of Münster)
      • 15:00
        Recent Advances on Li-batteries and Beyond 1h
        Speaker: Prof. Jean-Marie Tarascon (Collége de France)
    • 16:00 16:20
      Farewell Coffee 20m