Matthias Frontzek
(Paul Scherrer Institut, Laboratory for Neutron Scattering)
The Swiss spallation neutron source, inaugurated in 1996 and situated at the Paul Scherrer Institut in Villigen is the center of the Swiss neutron research community. The source is operated continuously and its neutron flux is comparable to other national operated neutron scattering facilities as for instance LLB in Saclay, France or HZB in Berlin, Germany.
The SINQ hall is the home of 18 different instruments which cover the full spectrum of research with neutrons, from material science, over condensed matter physics to biology and chemistry.
In my contribution, I will present a geometric frustrated compound, Ho2PdSi3, as a scientific example for the application of neutron scattering to understand its complex magnetic properties. With data on this specific example I will try to elaborate the advantages (and disadvantages)of different techniques starting from powder diffraction and ending in single crystal spectroscopy.
Primary author
Matthias Frontzek
(Paul Scherrer Institut, Laboratory for Neutron Scattering)