2:00 PM
Status of PETRA-III
Michael Bieler
2:25 PM
Status of ALBA light source
Ubaldo Iriso
2:50 PM
BESSY II Status report
Paul Goslawski
3:15 PM
DELTA and its short pulse source for VUV and THz radiation
Peter Ungelenk
(TU Dortmund / DELTA)
4:10 PM
Status of SOLARIS
Adriana Wawrzyniak
(Solaris National Synchrotron Radiation Centre)
4:35 PM
Status of the new ASTRID-2 light source
Jorgen Nielsen
(Aarhus University, ISA)
5:00 PM
Update on the SESAME light source
Koryun Manukyan
5:25 PM
Status and beam diagnostics activities at ANKA and FLUTE
Marcel Schuh