Photon Science Division´s New Year's apero 2018

Entrance Hall (SLS)

Entrance Hall


Dear colleagues

You are cordially invited to the first Photon Science Division´s New Year´s apero, which will be held at the entrance hall of the SLS. Our division will have grown in numbers as per 1st January 2018 and we look forward to welcoming our colleagues from the new labs LAP and LNO.
Everybody is welcome to present an "existing" poster (i.e. a poster which you have presented in the past) as to give an insight of your work to your colleagues.
16:00   poster session
17:00   welcome by Gabriel Aeppli
17:15   addresses by Luc Patthey, Hans Braun and Jens Gobrecht
17:35   “Scientific and unrelated ramblings by a rambling man“ by Phil Willmott
17:55   buffet and easy get-together (open end)
For organisational reasons, please kindly register for the apero till 2nd January 2018 the latest and and indicate if you would like to present a poster, so we can have poster walls set up accordingly. Please NOTE! Registration deadline is 2nd January 2018.
Merry and prosperous Christmas and best wishes for a Happy New Year to you and your dear ones!
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